Saturday, November 14, 2015

10 Good Reasons to Crave for a World without Religion

Imagine a world without religion or a belief in an invisible man in the sky. This might seem like a crazy idea in a world dominated by people who believe in one religion or the other, but it's sure worth craving for if you think about the cool things that follow. You would agree with me when you know about the awesome changes it could bring upon humanity. Here are some of the most incredible things about a world without religion.

1. No more terrorist attacks

Haven't you wished there were no religions in the first place when you saw another news on TV about a terrorist attack in which hundreds of innocent people including children got killed mercilessly? If not, there's probably something wrong with you! In a world without religion, there would be no reason for a bunch of idiots to kill other people in the name of a god. Religion has been the reason for many wars fought in the history. And worse, religion killed more people than wars ever did. In a world without religion, you would no longer have to be worried about terrorist attacks! Isn't that a damn good reason to try and eradicate religion from our planet?

world trade center attack

2. People would have more time

Do you know how much of your valuable time you have been wasting praying and going to the church or attending religious rituals? You could actually be doing better things with this time in a religion-free world. Rather than holding on to the age old myths of religion and wasting time on them, we could actually try to discover the scientific roots of our origin or just spend some more time with our loved ones.

People enjoy more time

3. Marry whoever you like

In a religious world, you can't easily marry someone you fell in love with if they don't belong to the same religion as yours. Religion has broken so many relationships and it is surely going to hell for all that evil! (Pun intended).  You could fall in love with anyone without being paranoid about his/her religion when there is no religion in this word to stop you. A world without religion will surely be heaven since heaven and hell is what you make out of this world. So, in a religion-free world, you don't have to part ways with your soulmate for no good reason.

Marry your soulmate

4. More peace and unity

Humans are already different by race, country, skin color and the languages they speak. These differences are not under our control. Religion is another difference that exists for no good reason but to divide the people in the name of an invisible deity. In a world where humans no more follow any religion, peace and unity will be at its best. Evil things like the caste system will be non-existent and everyone would enjoy equality.

Peace and unity

5. No stupid superstitions

Superstition and religion are so much related that they're like identical twins. Religion has propagated so much superstition into our world. Superstitions are the exact opposite of science and rational thinking and it should be eradicated for the growth and betterment of humanity.
No more superstition

6. Freedom from fear and guilt

Religions teach us about sins which are 'deeds against the will of god'. In fact, many of the things that religions call 'sins' are not bad things at all. The result of such false teachings is people feeling guilty about doing something they love because it is termed as a sin by the religion they belong to. The feeling of guilt created by religion will keep holding a person down throughout his entire life. The guilt made by religion is always followed by fear. Religion instills fear in the mind of people about a place called hell where they would be eternally tormented if they do not live by the rules of religion. None of these will find a place in a religion-free world.

Freedom from guilt

7. No more tax-free businesses

Every organized religion is like a business that doesn't have to pay any tax to the government. It goes without saying that these religions make a hell lot of money from their followers. The product they sell is 'blessings from the god'. The funny thing is, the customers (followers) can't complain if they don't get the blessings (products). If they don't get the blessings, it is only because of their faith in god being weak. Invisible products, happiest customers and don't even have to pay a penny in tax to the government. Is there any other business with such great perks? In a religion-free world, there would only be fair businesses that actually help in the growth of our economy.

Religion is a tax-free business

8. Science and technology at its finest

If you could choose between your religious belief and all the technological advancement that mankind has achieved till the day, what would you pick? I don't think you could dump technology at any cost. Religion assumes that it knows everything about our universe like its origin, creator and even the future. Religion has a fake answer to everything which is stopping its followers from trying to find the truth. Now imagine a world without religion, it would be at its peak of scientific development since no religion would slow it down with fake answers.

Science and technology at its finest

9. No more weird customs and traditions

Many religions have weird and make-no-sense customs and traditions that the followers are forced to accept. Even if it is against the will of an individual, these things are forced upon them since failure to comply means rejecting the almighty and going to hell.

Weird customs and traditions

10. Women would be more empowered

Religion plays a pivotal role in keeping women suppressed. Take any religion, they are all designed in such a way that they put men at a higher position than women. Not just that, most religions have policies and rules that are only applicable for women, which are often discriminating and unfair. In a religion free-world, women would surely enjoy so much more freedom and power.

Women more empowered

In the future, we hope that an educated and thinking generation of humans will no longer stand by religion and its dividing nature.

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