The society which often pretends to act as family is really not genuine, your family will always support you but society might rather judge you for what you are and what you do. The answer to all those questions that constantly haunt you like 'What would people say?" is to have 'Do-not-care-attitude'. One must acquire this attitude while growing up or you'll be in chains throughout your life. Life is not all about tolerating or accommodating yourself to the norms of society. Stop accepting and start questioning. As long as you think what you are doing is morally right, you shouldn't dwell into what others think about it.
The truth is, whatever you do, the society is going to judge you anyway. You don't need to accept things as they are, if change is required then you must bring the change or at least strive to make a difference. The society is actually afraid of change, scared of taking risks, doesn't want to experiment. There are only two kinds of people in this society, the ones who accept and adjust (compromise) themselves according to the society, and the ones that fights for what is right, goes beyond the regulations even if it means standing alone.
Constantly following age-old beliefs and customs would not help a person to grow as an individual, knowledge will also be limited and one might not feel free mentally. Social issues which are quite sensitive such as homosexuality, inter-caste marriage, 'Ban' imposed on certain things, and if one goes against the norms of society, he is considered as a rebel or simply obnoxious. One thing you need to understand is that you are not here to please everyone. Society is made by the people living in it, views and opinions might change every then and now but it doesn't mean you are wrong. After all you have the right to question everything and everyone. Being different or objecting old system of beliefs does not make you a wrong person. Here are few taboos of society regarded almost as violating a law.
Homosexuality (LGBT)
Sexual attraction to a person of the same sex might seem like something very new to our country but it is really not. In ancient times, if you go back and dig into the history, you'd see it was common in those days. The real evidence is sculptures and paintings at Khajuraho temple which has been the perfect epitome for love making influence between the same or opposite sex. Lord Vishnu took the form of 'Mohini' to trick demons while giving elixir of life in Mahabharata. Lord Shiva falls for her, who is nobody else but Lord Vishnu. Later on, both gave birth to heroic son Ayyappa or Hariharaputra. When even Hindu Mythology can accept homosexuality then why can't the society? The fact is that certain people are not ready or willing to accept homosexuality in general, they think of gayness as somewhat disgusting or unusual. So if you are feeling guilty of falling in love with the person of same sex and the 'popular thought' that society will not accept you, it shouldn't bother you because that is solely your decision.

'Dressed' but not to impress:
Ours is a society where a person is judged by what brand or type of clothes a person follows or wears. Especially women are the sufferers and restricted by 'don't wear this' syndrome. You might have often heard or seen that the girls are not even allowed to have their own choice of clothes. They will wear anything, 'They are told' to wear, even top to bottom fully covered. You should be able to wear whatsoever you like as long as you feel comfortable and simultaneously which hides the proper portion of your sexual identity. Remember if you wear shorts or one pieces by day and salwar-suit by night, you'll still get judged by the way you dress yourself.

Sexual content made to arouse lust among adults through film, magazines is called as p*rn. To stimulate sexual arousal, one feels the urge to watch p*rn. The government had put a ban on all p*rn sites few months ago referring it as offensive, filthy and 'causing rapes'. May be government should have banned 'kamasutra' which actually has indian origin, Khajuraho temple, Shiv-Linga (which is usually being worshiped by Hindus), Bhagavata Purana (a religious scripture which clearly indicates the practice of sexual art performed by deities between Varuna and Mitra). Guess what, society doesn't find any provoking thing in the above mentioned areas, but openly criticizes the one who surf such sites. If you are an adult, it entirely depends upon what you are willing to watch. You have a mind of your own, you can decide but p*rn sites alone can't be held responsible for rapes and molestation after all the sexual offense depends upon mindset, mentality, upbringing and not exclusively on certain adult material shown online.

The biggest and the most controversial issue of all times is religion. One might forget humanity for lifetime but will not forget to leave a single chance to debate and secure their own religion. Since the day you were born, you were told to follow certain religion not because of your own will but because you were told to do so. If you're an atheist ( a non believer of god and religion alike) this world is definitely a difficult place to live. Get one thing straight, you don't need a religion or god to become a good human being with moral values and principles. Since the debate on existence of god and the significance of religious scriptures has been going on from the past so many decades and if one wishes to be neutral (neither supporting nor against it) the mid way, is it too much to ask for? Following a particular sect or some supernatural being, is that the only reason you were born for? The society might not be interested to answer all your rational questions rather it will enforce you to choose a religion or particular almighty or else get hated by people for apparently no reason at all, because see your volition hardly matters, right? Social acceptance is necessary, isn't it? (sarcasm implied)

Forget IPL, forget FIFA, if you want to witness a game, get into the action of arrange and inter-caste marriage, the whole country play it. If you do love marriage, you are at fault. If you do inter-caste marriage, you are found to be guilty and if by any chance you go against old customs of arranged marriage then you are DEFINITELY misbegot, rude, lacking civility, demeaned and so and so. Because love is not a factor involved here, 'Class and Status' is. Once your graduation is over, get ready for innumerable wedding proposals suggested by parents, relatives and neighbors of course, how can we forget them? Because further studies, dreams, aspirations what's that? Get married, reproduce that is all what you are born for, is it not? Other countries where gay marriages are made legal and ours where one cannot even marry a person of their own choice.

It will be like this. Always. No matter what you do, society has got something to say against you. There are so many drawbacks in our country and the above mentioned are existing because of lack of knowledge and misconception which is surely being an obstacle towards progress. One should be open minded and bold enough to accept the change and embrace it. At first, change might seem odd but not hard. Do what is morally correct, society will adjust somehow. I suggest you to step out, speak up your words and stand for it. Let your thinking change the society and not the vice versa.