Earlier fictional characters were limited to books and comics only but in 19th century it emerged rapidly from books to big TV screen in form of either movies or Tv sitcoms. Popular fictional characters created such an impact that even their merchandises became enormously popular among masses. Here is a list of some broadly recognised and renowned fictional characters across the world that still rules our hearts and makes us compulsively driven by their charm.
The Joker/ Batman
Two of the most iconic characters of DC comics apart from Superman and Justice League. These two fictional characters top the list because of their tremendous popularity. The one is a watchful protector, a silent guardian of Gotham city as he says "It is not who I am underneath, it is what I do that defines me" played by Christian Bale as batman and the other one is maniac, psychotic and only wishes to see destruction around him. Heath Ledger played the role of Joker in The Dark Knight and brought him to life, making joker as one of the most unpredictable super villain of all times. Probably the only villain who was loved more than the hero in Christopher Nolan's batman trilogy. They immortalised their respective characters. Both the comics and movies were immensely popular and are still adored by fans around the world. Moreover, fandoms are desperately waiting for Batman vs Superman: Dawn of justice releasing next year.

Harry Potter series
We owe our childhood to J K Rowling, the author of this highly popular book series and later the producer of the same franchise. Harry Potter ruled our hearts for over a decade and a whole generation has been brought up watching the harry potter and its wizards and witchcraft. The books were also appreciated for its distinctive literature which brought children and adults alike into reading fiction. And let us take a moment to commend the author for not making a love triangle between the main characters namely Harry, Ron and Hermione played by Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson respectively. J K Rowling redefined the meaning of trust, friendship, courage and love among all generations. Even today, fans are not over it and guess what; J K Rowling has already written a spin off for the Harry Potter series named "Fantastic Beasts and where to Find Them". The 1st movie in trilogy, with 'The Stephen Hawking' (Eddie Redmayne) as protagonist, is gonna hit the screens next year. So brace yourself, your letter from Hogwarts can come anytime soon!

They are scary, dreadful blood suckers but we admire them. They might be horrible creatures during ancient times but now the time has changed and even they have evolved into irresistible, dangerous yet good looking predators craving for a rapacious appetite. Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer is one such example where a teenage girl falls in love with 101 year old vampire. The book series was made into movies and earned popularity among teenagers. Protagonists Bella, Edward and Jacob played by Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner respectively made their characters popular in fictional world. Many tv shows followed the same legacy of humans curiosity towards mysterious vampires namely The Vampire diaries, True blood, Buffy the vampire slayer,. The very first movie Dracula actually made people aware of such creatures' existence on earth. Though vampires might kill us but they obligate us to know more about their supernatural powers. There are people who actually shape their teeth as 'fangs' and seek vampires in ancient places like Europe and France. Now you see their level of obsession.

How can we not mention earth's mightiest superheroes here? They are all what we've got in order to save the world. There are only two kinds of people, the ones who support Marvel and other ones who support DC comic universe, there is no in between. Two of the highly popular comic series has produced innumerable number of superheroes over the years that one cannot choose a single superhero as their ideal role model. We all wish to see a fight between Marvels' Avengers and DC's Justice League just for the sake who is more superior in terms of their natural or self made superpowers. Superheroes and their merchandises alike have been extremely popular among youth especially. Over the years movies have been made based on superheroes which are surpassingly good with brilliant use of special effects and animation which is enough to drive viewers to theatres.

Books/ Novels
Books and novels started out the trend to introduce fictional characters. Each fictional character is derived from either books, novels or comics most of the time. Sherlock Holmes is one such example. There are many fictional characters which are actually so intense and magnificently depicted as if they really existed on earth. Jane Austen's Pride and prejudice, James Patterson's Violets are blue, Dan Brown's Angels and demons and Da Vinci code and E L James's Fifty shades of grey trilogy are few instances which were well represented for their illustration of fictional characters in novels.

Cartoons/ animation
There was a time when watching cartoons used to be our favourite pastime and then we all grew up in this occupied adult world but still how can we forget all those ideal cartoons which made our childhood memories worth remembering. Walt Disney introduced Mickey mouse and his friends to the world and the rest is history. Cartoons like Tom and jerry, Looney tunes, Thomas and his friends, Oswald, Pink Panther, The little mermaid, Aladdin, Alice in wonderland, Beauty and the beast, Snow white, Swat kats, Oswald and other cartoons are still remembered and their reruns are played on various channels. Today Disney, DreamWorks, Pixar and the like are reigning this generation. Earlier cartoons used to amuse us and now animation. Finding nemo, Up, Cars, Frozen, Cloudy with a chance of meatballs, Ice age series, Bolt, Inside out, the incredibles are to name a few animated movies that are totally fiction yet they seem real and are so well able to connect. Be it 2d or 3d animation, the visuals and special effects actually bring life to characters. Cartoons are usually made for the entertainment but some of them associate with us emotionally.

TV shows/ sitcoms
Not every day one can afford to go watch movies in theatres and that's why television exists. There are certain shows which created such a wave that even today they are remembered for their epic depiction. 'Friends' the show that was aired almost a decade ago is still one of the highest rated TV show by IMDb. Currently however Game of Thrones tops the list. If a TV show gets successful, it is sure that it will have its spin off series in future. Sherlock Holmes, Doctor who, House, Dexter, Star Trek, The Big Bang Theory, Supernatural and Glee are some of those shows that continued to rule television. There are innumerable shows which were once aired on TV and left an impact on its viewers. And there are fandoms for each popular TV show that was broadcasted. The occurrence of fictional characters on TV shows these days is just damn too high. It is a sure thing that producers know very well what viewers wish to see is fiction apparently.

We often see fictional characters on TV or read somewhere and end up being obsessed with them. The portrayal of these characters is precisely accurate and the impact is everlasting. They are usually without a flaw or defect and we wish to see ourselves the same way, thus they are the perfect epitome of an ideal figure. There are people who prioritise fictional characters more than their own identity. Fans who'd go to any limits to prove their love for the fictional characters. People might think of them as lunatics and maniacs but they are actually excessively enthusiastic for fiction. You can see that passion in their eyes when you speak to them about their favourite fictional character and the endless list goes on and on.