No one's cheating on me:
So since you're single you can sleep well at night because you know no one is cheating on you. You don't really have to play detective-game with someone. There will be no sleepless nights worrying about the relationship and insecurities.

Talk to everyone:

You save hell lot of money:
Yeah, that's absolutely right. Being single and not buying any gifts and birthday cards for anyone because you are way too busy spending money on yourself is one of the best feelings ever experienced. You'll not be required to go on lavishing dates and splurge all of your savings. You can reserve money and spend it later whenever convenient.

Watching a movie alone:
Well this might seem boring for some people as many people don't like to go for a movie alone, they need partners or at least friends. But hey, going alone is not all that bad, you can enjoy a movie on your own as well. Besides that, you won't like yourself to be indulged in PDA like those couples sitting in corner seats with absolutely no light. Get a room guys, privacy please!

Eat as much you want:
Yes food is our first priority and no significant other can change that. You eat food in order to survive but we think of food as a part of our life, its something beyond the taste and sense, something which a person who is not a food lover will not understand. Often the cheesy couples complain about 'don't eat this, don't eat that' else you'll become fat. Being single you've got the liberty to eat whatever you want to. No restrictions imposed whatsoever. Kudos to our long lasting appetite!

No lovy-dovy talks:
You might have noticed frequently those who are in a relationship have a pet name for each other something like 'baby, bae, Shona bla bla. Some might like it but singles do find it offensive and creepy. We don't want to change our name for anyone. Though we do respect the love given by others in a form of a nickname but sometimes we just don't like being called by any cheesy word and sounding completely ridiculous.

Public display of affection, no no please. We'd prefer the love in privacy be it emotional or physical. Exhibiting love in public places seems totally awkward and legit as the intimacy should be restricted to only two individuals only, why let others sneak-peek into our life? Being single, we're glad we are not into all those PDAs else our parents would just beat us down and that too in public.

No Password sharing:
Often the clingy couples demand password of your email, facebook account or even of WhatsApp to keep an eye on your every moment, because they just can't trust you enough. Being single you will not be required to share your passwords with anyone. By the way those who don't keep any passwords on cellphone are the strongest and honest people you'll ever meet as you can trust them easily. After all they are not hiding anything.

Its true when you are single you see happy couples everywhere and when you get committed, you see happy singles everywhere. Being single allows you to travel and hangout with friends whenever you want but when you are committed you have to think about your beloved as well. Making time for them, keeping that spark of romance alive till the last is not all that easy. When you love someone, you love them for life and that is why jumping into a relationship should not be a hasty decision at all. Even being single sometimes make you feel bad as you want to share your love with someone special.
Getting into a relationship is not all that bad because you know that someday you'll have someone who was worth the wait all this while and then you'll be able to shower all your love on them. It doesn't matter whether you are single or committed life is meant to be celebrated and lived, as each day passes by with someone or alone, you just got to nail every moment you are given.
So try not to become desperate, awkward and hopeless for love instead strive to become a better person, like an improvised version of yourself and let true love find you. There is always a room for improvement my friend, always!