"No, I didn't go to any Film academy. I went to movies." And this is how you'd like to introduce yourself as a movie fanatic. You know you are a Cinephile when the only thing revolves around your mind is, which movie you are going to watch next. A cinephile is an individual who is a fond lover of cinema. You have a soft corner for movies and its various aspects. Other people merely watch movies but you consume it daily like oxygen. Its hard to imagine a life without movies, you just can't accept that. Cinema is like drugs once when you get addicted, there's no going back. Here are a few signs that shows you are a hard-core cinephile.
TGIF (Thank God It's Friday)!!
Yes, well you actually wait for the weekend not just to spend leisure time but for a new movie to hit the theatre near you. What weekend, in pure sense means for you, is a new movie, a new story and a whole new experience. Excitement level also increases as and when you hear good reviews about the movie you had already booked tickets for.
You've got a collection of movies:
That's true. You aren't a true cinephile unless you have got a huge collection of movies. Movies that have been your favourite since you were a kid or teen, may be. You keep this collection so that you can watch them any time you want. You not only enjoy watching movies again and again but you also recommend them to others as well. All your favourite star's movie in CD/DVD or theatre print, no doubt you will have it from anywhere. P.S. 'Jugaad' "Bhai tere paas jitni movie hai, sab pen drive mein daal Dena" because giving blank pen drive to your friend is considered no less than a sin.
Theatre is your second home:
If anyone wants to find you, they'll be knowing theatre is a place you're most likely to be found. INOX, PVR, IMAX they have been your buddies since years now. You don't mind watching movies in single theatre as well, given that ticket prices should be less. And spending money on movies is your birth right because its totally worth it for you. Watching a movie on that big screen, when the sound comes alive and for that three good hours you forget your own life for a while and become a part of character's life. If you've someone to go with that's well and good but most often you go alone for movies. By the way, you are always accompanied by food (Popcorn and Pepsi still costs more than the tickets though).
You never miss a single movie:
Not a chance, I repeat, not a chance that you are going miss any new movie. Weekend is on threshold and you are all geared up to watch a flick, that's how you make your weekend plans. It doesn't matter which movie you'll go for but you have to watch a movie desperately. Even if you are unable to go to the theatre, you'll make sure you watch movie at home whenever you get time. Also you save money to watch movies but so many movies end up making you broke by the end of every month.
You speak fluently in Movie dialogues:
That's right! Who am I? I'm a hard-core cinephile, I set high movie goals for myself. Remember that, I wouldn't recommend you any movie which I wouldn't watch myself. (P.S. Nightcrawler). You often find yourself speaking movie dialogues consciously and unconsciously. And well, it works out in your favour also as it creates impression. To express any emotions, you try to mould dialogues relating to your situation. "I'll recommend you a movie, you can't refuse" (P.S. Godfather).
Let's break the internet:
Whenever you come across a new movie trailer, you share it everywhere on social media be it Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram almost at all places, you'll discuss about the movie. Probably you'll change your DP (display picture) to the official movie poster as well. That's how you show your excitement for upcoming movies.
You've become a movie critic:
This is good, this is worse and THIS IS A MUST WATCH!! You review every movie seriously and with utmost importance. Even your friends ask your opinion first before going for any new movie, whether this movie is worth watching or not. You judge movie in terms of acting, script, dialogues and every minute detail is as important as any other areas of performance.

For others, a movie is just a part of an entertainment source, but for you it's beyond obsession. Film industry is a glamorous world and we all know that, but how much hard work they put while making a movie it's incomprehensible for us as an audience. Its the 'Fan' who like to go to theatre to watch their favourite actors act on screen but it takes a Cinephile to understand nuances of cinema. Addiction to movies, discussing best performances of the present day actors, once you begin talking about movies, then there's no stopping you. Well, that's how we develop passion for movies. Isn't it? We get high on films and we're proud to call ourselves Cinemaholic. Btw Captain america: Civil war is going to release next month, just a friendly reminder, hope you already know that. ;)